QA Radar: Defect Tracking Slashes Bug Turnaround Time
Automated Lifecycle Bug Tracking | Central Repository | Completely Customizable
With Segue's QA Radar, you can spend more time testing and your developers can start fixing the bugs you find faster. Defect tracking and management is no longer tedious, time-consuming and costly. QA Radar automates the entire process for you, providing lasting relief from the pain of manual defect tracking and quality management. QA Radar slashes bug turnaround time by completely automating the bug-tracking lifecycle. Use it to:
The fully customizable QA Radar automatically advances defects to the next stage in your organization's bug lifecycle. Its tight integration with other members of the Segue QualityWorks family of products enables it to automatically capture all defects uncovered by your automated tests and enter them into a central database repository -- from which they can be assigned to appropriate testers with a simple point-and-click to their inboxes. QA Radar provides out-of-the-box native support for a wide variety of databases and operating modes and may be easily scaled to meet your changing requirements.
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